scheme initiated by Tanzania Federation for Urban Poor (TFUP) with support from Centre for Community Initiative (CCI), it is a development project in collaboration with Temeke Municipality in order to respond to the critical housing need following the re-development of Kurasini ward in Dar es Salaam. The project was funded by Shack Dwellers International (SDI).
The focus of the project was tenants who have been displaced following the displacement of their houses. The study conducted by the TFUP with the support from CCI showed that, about 80% of inhabitants in Kurasini area were tenants while the government was compensating structure owners only, as a result many families were affected by the eviction.
The affected communities with CCI support and member of TFUP worked hard build up TFUP members saving and collected information about the affected settlement and households. In 2008 TFUP bought a plot of land with 30 acres at Chamazi for settlement at Tsh 24 million.
This project aimed to provided safe and secure housing for at least 300 families mostly who have been affected by eviction at Kurasini harbor area.
The project has demonstrated that:-
• The power of community Federation saving scheme where community contributed Tshs 24 million towards the purchase of 30 acres of land.
• Co-production partnerships between communities Federation, Municipal officials and Ministry of Lands and NGO (CCI) is essential for enhancing land and housing for the urban poor.
• Establishment of Muungano Housing Cooperative is crucial for enhancing community land planning, ownership, management and finance resource mobilization.
• Establishment of Muungano Housing Cooperative is crucial for enhancing community land planning, ownership, management and finance resource mobilization.
• Establishment of Muungano Housing Cooperative is crucial for enhancing community land planning, ownership, management and finance resource mobilization.
• Establishment of Muungano Housing Cooperative is crucial for enhancing community land planning, ownership, management and finance resource mobilization.
• Addressing the urban poor requires flexibility in terms of plot size where minimal plot sizes was reduced and approved to 144 square meters.
• Demonstrate how resettlement can be done in a way that is affordable and supports the poorest using affordable construction materials of interlocking bricks and sisal fiber tiles.
• Mobilize financial resources from Shack Dwellers International (SDI) for supporting finance incremental sanitation at for a 2 room and a toilet.
• Support community construction technicians including women who were engaged in the construction of the project.
• Support the climate change solution through a decentralized waste water treatment using a wetland scheme and a decentralized water project and tree planting project.
• Currently, there are 89 houses at different stages of completion, with 50 families residing in them. The houses are equipped with a sewage system, with each set of 10 houses connected to a septic tank that delivers the sewage to a decentralized wastewater treatment plant (DEWAT).
The Chamazi community-based housing scheme has demonstrated the following benefits for scaling up.
• Through a housing cooperative model, community could own a
collective land and
mobilizes financial
• Affordable housing construction materials and incremental
housing are suitable tools
for the urban
poor to reduce costs and should be considered.
• Reduction of plot sizes is essential for enhancing
decentralized infrastructure
services such
water supply, and sewerage.
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