Through the DARAJA (Developing risk awareness through joint action) project, generously funded by IKI/GIZ, the Community SMS Mapping System is developing how residents receive weather information via SMS. CCI Team, along with proactive community members, working together to ensure the distribution of weather updates reaches every corner of Kombo Settlement.
Understanding the Importance of Weather Information
In Kombo Settlement, where environmental hazards are significant risks, access to timely weather information is crucial. Whether it's preparing for heavy rainfall, or extreme temperatures, having advance notice empowers community to take proactive measures to lives and property. The Community SMS Mapping System addresses this need by providing real-time weather updates directly to residents' mobile phones.
Mapping for Impact:
The Community SMS Mapping System led at the Settlement Level, by CCI Team, Enumerators and supported by engaged community members. In implementing the Community SMS Mapping System in Kombo Settlement, the DARAJA project utilized ONA (Open Data Kit) platform. This platform served as a crucial tool for data collection, management, and analysis throughout the mapping process. This comprehensive mapping exercise ensures that every resident has the opportunity to benefit from this project.