Peer to Peer Learning


Learning by peer to peer exchange visits have been very vital in enhancing the knowledge and understanding of the solutions to the challenges. The exchange is done among community members at different levels of group to group within the settlements, at the City level where community from a certain city goes to another city and in other cases the international exchange visits to other countries is done depending the need.

The learning approach have been involving both communities and government officials to learn from the best practices within and outside of the country. The exchange visit has helped to build the confidence of community, facilitating the knowledge transfer from one community to the other and influencing the government officials to respond to the community needs.

CCI and Tanzania urban poor federation are a part of the larger global network of urban poor community known as Slum dwellers International (SDI). The network has a membership of more than 38 countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America. This alliance has been very vital in enhancing the knowledge of community members and government officials to learn from fellows on the best practices in solving the challenges facing urban poor communities living in informal settlements.