Saving and credit has been a very significant approach in organizing the
community. This facilitates the access of financial services to the poor community living in informal
settlements, of which majority cannot access the loans from financial institutions like banks due to different
reasons including high interest rates and lack of collateral, and creating the solidarity in solving community
The community savings starts from the organized groups within the settlements
which form up a network of many
saving groups known as Tanzania Urban poor federation.
The community saving and credit groups enables the access of loans with low
interest rates, the convenience to accessing loans even during emergencies cases as members are neighbors. The
saving group goes beyond facilitating financial accessibility by creating cohesive community in solving
challenges beyond finance such as the challenges of lack of services within the settlements. It also helps the
access of information among community members.
There are two savings of daily savings and Jenga Fund. The two savings
aims at
different purposes where by
daily savings is for enabling individual member to have access of loan to solve
problems such as
establishing small business, paying school fees for children and so on, while the JENGA fund which is a
revolving fund aims at serving larger community development projects such provision of water and
and using the fund for leveraging more funding from stakeholders. Currently the federation has managed to
a total of 185,157 USD for daily savings and 28,079.53 USD for JENGA fund.